An urgent laser issue with the new nightly build version

Hi Taylor,

The QCUALOR changes you described are included in MWorks 0.13. There have been no subsequent changes to MWorks’ QCUALOR interface, so if you’re using a post-0.13 nightly build, the QCUALOR code is the same as in 0.13.

We have to physically switch on the laser before we load workspaces. We’ve discussed this but was interrupted by another more urgent problem back then. Looking back at our previous communications, the solution you offered was to configure the laser at the first start_io_device. We would like to follow up on this and see if this will solve the problem.

As I said previously, I don’t understand why you were ever able to load your experiment with the laser turned off. But, yes, we certainly could make the change I suggested.

After running a laser protocol for about a few minutes, the laser would be stuck at the on state. We had to switch it off physically and on again for it to come back to work but the same problem would happen again. The laser protocols we ran commended the laser to change the frequency or the amplitude trial by trial. I’ve attached the two protocols, the config_Laser, and the error displayed in the console.

The error “QCUALOR device did not respond to configuration command” indicates that MWorks is trying to send commands to the laser, but the laser isn’t responding. That sounds like an issue with the connection or (more likely) the laser itself. If you run your experiment with the log_commands parameter set to true, you’ll be able to see the commands that MWorks is sending to the laser and the responses the laser is sending back. The “did not respond” error should correlate with sends with no matching receives.

We drove this laser with MWork version 0.13. The protocols ran and the laser was not stuck. We drove another laser with MWork nightly build. The issue I described above happened.

Can you try driving each of the two lasers with both 0.13 and the nightly build? If it’s a software issue in the nightly build, then it should cause the problem with both lasers. On the other hand, if it’s a hardware issue with one of the lasers, then the problem should happen with both MWorks versions on that laser.
