Analyze mworks on linux

Hi Yoon,

The timing of your question is very good. Although this has been an open issue for a while now, I very recently added an officially-supported, pure-Python MWK2 reader to MWorks. It requires the msgpack package but otherwise has no dependencies outside of the Python standard library.

The module includes an MWKFile class that’s designed to be a drop-in replacement for mworks.MWKFile, the standard data analysis tool that, as you note, depends on macOS-only compiled code. If you want your analysis code to be compatible with both versions, import MWKFile like this:

    from import MWKFile
except ImportError:
    from mwk2reader import MWKFile

While I’d like to add a pure-MATLAB data file reader, too, the prospects for that don’t look so good, so I hope Python will work for you.
