Mworks Monkey name

Hi Sarah,

Sure. The best way to do this is by adding a data file device to your experiment.

First, create a variable with the monkey’s name:

var animal_name = 'pico'

Then, use that variable in the filename parameter of the data file:

data_file ("${animal_name}-normalizers-$(date('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'))")

If you’re using the same protocol with multiple animals, then you could declare the variable and data file in the same MWEL file as the protocol:

var animal_name = 'UNKNOWN'
data_file ("${animal_name}-...")

and then have a separate file for each animal that includes the protocol and assigns the correct name:

%include 'shared_protocol.mwel'
animal_name = 'pico'

For a bit more info on data file devices, see this post. If you have any questions, please let me know.
