Dear Chris,
I am encountering a problem with an experiment which I hope you can help.
The problem lies in the Sampling Protocol, task system states “Target”, “Saccade Hold First Target”, and “Saccade Hold Second Target”. Basically what I want to do is if subjects look at target 1 (indicated by IO_target1_fixated) or target 2 (IO_target2_fixated), then transition to the corresponding task system:“Saccade Hold First Target” or “Saccade Hold Second Target”. In these states, the correctness of subjects saccade is determined by these criteria:
if subjects look at target 1 and target_location variable (which is in the range replicator) is 0, then it is correct.
if subjects look at target 2 and target_location variable is 1, then it is correct.
Any other conditions are incorrect.
If correct, transition to “Reward”. If incorrect, transition to “Wrong Location”. However, when I instructed a subject to look at the incorrect location, Works still transitioned to Reward. In other words, MWorks considered that as a correct. I monitored the subject’s eye location in the Eye Window, so I know that the subject really looked at the incorrect location. I also had someone tested myself in this experiment and the same thing happened.
I have tried several things but I could not for the life of me figure out what is wrong with my code. Can you please help me with this?
Thank you