If/then/else construct

Since you’ve made so much progress on our requests lately - any chance of if/then/else soon?

Hi Mark,

Sorry for leaving this hanging for so long.

any chance of if/then/else soon?

I don’t think I want to tackle it prior to the 0.5 release (which I still hope to get out soon). But I’ll open a ticket and will look into it after the release.


No problem, thanks.


Hi Mark,

This turned out to be easier than I expected. To implement it, I added a new action type (“if_else”), which can contain one or more conditional (“if”) actions. When it runs, it executes the first conditional whose condition is true (or none if all conditions are false) and then stops. To include an unconditional “else” action, add a conditional with an always-true condition at the end of the list. See the attached example for a demonstration.

This should be in tonight’s nightly build.


Attachment: if_else_example.xml (1.77 KB)

Love it. Thanks.
I will take a few weeks to test but I will let you know what I find.