Issue with Converting MWorks Task - Component Nesting Error

Hi Chris,

I’m encountering an issue while converting an old task, created in MWorks Editor by a previous lab member, from .xml to .mwel for easier editing. After the conversion, I noticed that the ‘task_system’ component is automatically nested inside the ‘range_replicator’ component.

When I try to load the edited .mwel task, I receive the following error: “Component ‘task_system’ is not allowed inside component 'range_replicator.” Since I’m not very familiar with range replicators, I’d like to avoid rewriting the entire task if possible.

Is there a way to resolve this issue or work around it?

Thanks in advance for your help!


Hi Tiffany,

Can you send me the original XML file, so that I can see exactly what’s happening?


Hi Tiffany,

I’m a little confused as to how that experiment ever ran correctly. However, to fix it, all you should need to do is wrap any task_system that’s a direct child of a replicator in a block, list, or trial. I’ve attached a version of your experiment that wraps said task_system’s in lists.

radFreqGrid_4afc_RF4_2023_ModSpread.mwel (66.8 KB)

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