Macbook air keyboard input

Hi Chris,

I am trying to test a code on my laptop, but it would not accept my keyboard input.
It used to work when I ran the code on a desktop with an external USB keyboard.
I’ve looked at previous inquiries on similar topics but could not figure out the solution.
Can you suggest what actions I should try next to solve this problem?
I will attach the code I used for keyboard inputs at the end of this post. Thanks.


// Keyboard interface for up/down/left/right arrow keys

var discrete_controller = false //

%define update_joystick ()
    x_force = right_pressed - left_pressed
    y_force = up_pressed - down_pressed


group 'Keyboard variables' {
    var x_force = 0
    var y_force = 0

    var right_pressed = 0 {
        update_joystick ()
    var left_pressed = 0 {
        update_joystick ()
    var up_pressed = 0 {
        update_joystick ()
    var down_pressed = 0 {
        update_joystick ()

    var space_pressed = 0
    var enter_pressed = 0
    var del_pressed = 0

    var current_key_input = -1

    var pressed_0 = 0 {
        current_key_input = 0
    var pressed_1 = 0 {
        current_key_input = 1
    var pressed_2 = 0 {
        current_key_input = 2
    var pressed_3 = 0 {
        current_key_input = 3
    var pressed_4 = 0 {
        current_key_input = 4
    var pressed_5 = 0 {
        current_key_input = 5
    var pressed_6 = 0 {
        current_key_input = 6
    var pressed_7 = 0 {
        current_key_input = 7
    var pressed_8 = 0 {
        current_key_input = 8
    var pressed_9 = 0 {
        current_key_input = 9

// Note: Sometimes you need to restart the computer if you get a HID error

%define keyboard_device ()
    iodevice/usbhid_generic (
        usage_page = 1
        usage = 6

        preferred_location_id = 17825792 // 138412032  //  keypad labtop // keypad rig 
        // preferred_location_id = 161 // macbook built-in

        // preferred_location_id = 2152726528  // macbook built-in

        // preferred_location_id = 1807689598  // apple wireless keyboard
        // preferred_location_id = 4245815296  // Psychophysics rig?
        // preferred_location_id = 338690048 // external keyboard
        // log_all_input_values = true

%define keyboard_name_to_usage = {
    'right_arrow': 79,
    'left_arrow': 80,
    'down_arrow': 81,
    'up_arrow': 82,
    'space': 44,
    '0': 98, // 39, // 98, // number pad
    '1': 89, // 30, // 89,
    '2': 90, // 31, //90,
    '3': 91, // 32, //91,
    '4': 92, // 33, //92,
    '5': 93, // 34, //93,
    '6': 94, // 35, //94,
    '7': 95, // 36, //95,
    '8': 96, // 37, //96,
    '9': 97, // 38, //97,
    'enter': 88, // 40, // 88
    'delete': 99 // 42 // 99 // backspace for key board; . and DELETE for keypad

%define keyboard_channel (key, value)
    iochannel/usbhid_generic_input_channel (
        usage_page = 7
        usage = keyboard_name_to_usage[key]
        value = value

keyboard_device hand {
    keyboard_channel (key = 'right_arrow'; value = right_pressed)
    keyboard_channel (key = 'left_arrow'; value = left_pressed)
    keyboard_channel (key = 'up_arrow'; value = up_pressed)
    keyboard_channel (key = 'down_arrow'; value = down_pressed)
    keyboard_channel (key = 'space'; value = space_pressed)

    keyboard_channel (key = 'enter'; value = enter_pressed)
    keyboard_channel (key = 'delete'; value = del_pressed)

    keyboard_channel (key = '0'; value = pressed_0)
    keyboard_channel (key = '1'; value = pressed_1)
    keyboard_channel (key = '2'; value = pressed_2)
    keyboard_channel (key = '3'; value = pressed_3)
    keyboard_channel (key = '4'; value = pressed_4)
    keyboard_channel (key = '5'; value = pressed_5)
    keyboard_channel (key = '6'; value = pressed_6)
    keyboard_channel (key = '7'; value = pressed_7)
    keyboard_channel (key = '8'; value = pressed_8)
    keyboard_channel (key = '9'; value = pressed_9)

Hi Claire,

Are you seeing any error messages when you load your experiment? Or does the experiment load successfully, but pressing keys doesn’t have any effect?

If key presses aren’t being recognized, then perhaps the values in keyboard_name_to_usage aren’t correct for the keys you’re testing. If you uncomment the log_all_input_values parameter, e.g.

iodevice/usbhid_generic (
    usage_page = 1
    usage = 6
    log_all_input_values = true

then MWorks will log a message with usage info for every key you press. You can compare the usage value in the message with the expected value in keyboard_name_to_usage. If they don’t match, then update keyboard_name_to_usage as needed.
