MWServer crash with python server bridge

Hi Chris,
The attached XML causes MWServer to crash when the Python server bridge is running, but not when the client bridge is running.
I’m also attaching the stack trace. I can work on a reduced version of my Python script to send to you but mainly what it does is register a callback for every code.
I think it has something to do with the drifting_grating stimulus.

Thank you,


Hi Mark,

Thanks for the report. I’m able to reproduce the crash, but I haven’t yet puzzled out why it’s happening. I’ll update you when I have more info.


Hi Mark,

I found the cause of the crash. There was a bug in the serialization of events whose values are or contain dictionaries (such as #stimDisplayUpdate and #announceStimulus, which is probably why it seemed like the drifting grating was involved).

The fix will be in tonight’s nightly.


Great- thanks! I’ll be able to test this over the next few weeks.

Just installed the latest nightly and the crash is gone. Thanks!