Pupil_size_l in Matlab Interface

Hi Chris,

I’m trying to plot the pupil size online. In the xml I have the pupil_size_l being sent to an Experimental variable pupilSize. I first tried to show pupilSize in the eye window, but I think the scale was so different from the eye_h and eye_v values that it wasn’t showing up (pupilSize was around 2000, eye_h/v was around 25), so I shifted gears to try to show it in a matlab interface plot. I used your matlab_window_demo as a template, and got your demo to work, however when I switched the codec code to ‘pupilSize’ the event.data was coming up empty? here’s the relevant code from the matlab script:
for i = 1:length(codec)
if (strcmp(codec(i).tagname, ‘pupilSize’))
event_code = codec(i).code;

indices = find([all_events(:).event_code] == event_code)

the output shows me that it is successfully getting the event_code (135) but when the indices try to find any of the data values it is empty.

Q-1: is it possible to display the pupil size in mworks windows like the eye window (I’m wondering if I did it incorrectly and that you may know a method to do this)
Q-2: if not, then can you think of a reason why the pupil_size_l data wouldn’t be synced with the matlab-interface?

Hi Travis,

can you think of a reason why the pupil_size_l data wouldn’t be synced with the matlab-interface?

You need to tell the MATLAB window which variables you want to sync. Click the “Events” button, and, in the variable-selection window that pops up, see if “pupilSize” is checked. If it isn’t, then that’s the problem.

is it possible to display the pupil size in mworks windows like the eye window (I’m wondering if I did it incorrectly and that you may know a method to do this)

I think you’re right that the scale is too different for the eye window. Using MATLAB or Python to do the plotting is probably your best bet.


Hi Chris,

Ahhh, that’s right! did it and it worked! Thanks Chris!!
