Python version - MWorks Nightly 2023.10.18

Hi Chris,

We are looking to transfer to a newer default version of MWorks in lab. We are currently targeting to update to the 2023.10.18 nightly. I’m seeing an error about our package installs and I wonder if there is a specific version of Python you recommend we update to?


Hi Nina,

I’m seeing an error about our package installs and I wonder if there is a specific version of Python you recommend we update to?

In case it wasn’t clear, the error you’re seeing is being raised by your code, which is specifically disallowing any Python version other than 3.8, 3.9, or 3.10. If you want to use a different Python version, you’ll need to change that code and add the appropriate version-specific modules to the PackageInstalls/lib directory.

As for which Python version to use, I don’t have any specific recommendation. The MWorks nightly you’re targeting (as well as the upcoming MWorks 0.13 release) supports Python 3.8 and later. That means you could move to the latest Python release (3.12) if you want. Personally, I might stick with 3.11 for the moment, only because 3.12 is still relatively new, and you may find that some of the third-party packages you rely on don’t have 3.12 binaries on PyPI yet. But you could easily find out just by attempting to install them for 3.12.


Hey Chris,

Thank you. A bit of background:
Yes that error comes from our code which checks the version to prevent more inscrutable errors later.
Nina was asking which version is embedded by the nightly because our embedded python code uses a few packages. As is probably documented in the issue tracker here, we have an externally maintained site-packages directory for this. You explained to me how to do this. When the MWorks version changes, we need to re-populate the site-packages directory with packages for the new version. We are up to date with python 3.10 currently.

So Nina was asking what version of python that the nightly embeds for this reason. I took a look at git a few days ago and it looks like it’s python 3.11. But I think she was just asking you to verify.

Does that make sense? Anything I am missing?


Hi Mark,

So Nina was asking what version of python that the nightly embeds for this reason. I took a look at git a few days ago and it looks like it’s python 3.11. But I think she was just asking you to verify.

Ah, sorry – I should have inferred that from the error messages.

Yes, the nightly build embeds Python 3.11. MWorks 0.13 will also embed that version.
