Send on outgoing queue timed out

Hi Chris,

My name is Hannah - I’m a graduate student in Mark Histed’s lab.
I recently set up an ISCAN device and got it working with MWorks on one of our behavior computers.
Today I tried to stream the mwk2 file and got an error:
“ERROR: Send on outgoing queue timed out; event will not be sent” (attached).
Trying to start the experiment resulted in an error that the python bridge wasn’t loaded, and reloading the python bridge caused the MWclient to stop responding.

I was wondering if it might have something to do with the way I added the ISCAN code, so I’ve also attached the code I added to HADC19 to both include the device and the variables. MWorks does display the values correctly while the mouse is running, so it seems to be working otherwise.

Mark wasn’t sure off the top of his head what could be causing this and asked me to reach out - I’m also supposed to mention that we have MWorks version 0.10 on this computer.

Please let me know if you have any thoughts!

Hannah Goldbach


Chris and Hannah,

After thinking on this some after talking to Hannah, I am wondering whether this error could be because we hang a callback off every variable in the Python client bridge. Then, this could be some sort of overflow error being caused by using these high-update-rate eye variables. Possible?

Hi Mark & Hannah,

I am wondering whether this error could be because we hang a callback off every variable in the Python client bridge. Then, this could be some sort of overflow error being caused by using these high-update-rate eye variables. Possible?

Yes, I think that’s correct. The “send on outgoing queue timed out” error indicates that the buffer used by the Python bridge is full, most likely because the Python script isn’t able to keep up with the stream of incoming events. I expect you can resolve the issue by not sending the ISCAN variables via the bridge.

Just FYI: In my experience, once you see a “send on outgoing queue timed out” message, the client needs to be quit and restarted before things will work properly again.


Thanks will work on it