About touchscreens and multiple screens

Hi, Chris,

Here Jaime from Michael Schmid’s lab at Fribourg, I have a couple of questions:

we want to connect a touchscreen in such a way that we can present stimuli to a monkey and register which parts of the screen the monkey is touching (e.g. RDPs, the monkey has to touch which patch of RDPs changes direction). I would like to know if you have any monitor recommendations. In some publications the ELO monitor (https://elifesciences.org/articles/63816.pdf) is mentioned but it seems to be compatible only with windows.
(ideally we would digitize the signal with a NIDAQ but maybe you have a better idea).
2- We also plan to connect 3 monitors, 2 of which will be located in the periphery and one in the center, which will be the touch screen. The question is: how can we connect the 3 monitors (we do not require perfect synchronization, we plan to present optical flow in the periphery).
In a previous post you mentioned an option with hardare (DualHead2Go Digital SE) unfortunately this part has been discontinued.

Thanks for the support!


Hi Jaime,

we want to connect a touchscreen in such a way that we can present stimuli to a monkey and register which parts of the screen the monkey is touching

As long as touches on the touchscreen are recognized by macOS as mouse click events, you can use an MWorks mouse input device to get the touch locations. I’d expect any touchscreen compatible with macOS to work this way.

In the past, some folks have used ELO touchscreens with MWorks in this way. It looks like ELO’s macOS drivers are still available and up to date, so I think that would be a good option. There are probably other compatible devices, too, but I’m not familiar with any.

We also plan to connect 3 monitors, 2 of which will be located in the periphery and one in the center, which will be the touch screen. The question is: how can we connect the 3 monitors (we do not require perfect synchronization, we plan to present optical flow in the periphery).

Since release 0.12, MWorks supports multiple, independent stimulus displays, which should meet your needs. Please see this comment for more info and an example experiment.


Hi Chris,

Thanks a lot!

Have a good one
