Building the eyelink plugin

hi chris,

just to be a bit more detailed about what i am having a problem with.
when i build eyelink.xcodeproject

i get 1 warning regarding a file called “Development.xcconfig” not existing.

also a bunch of Boost and Scarab libraries not existing.

any help on getting this things resolved would be much appreciated.


Hi Najib,

The files you need to compile plugins are not installed by default. To get them, re-run the MWorks installer. When you get to the screen titled “Standard Install on…”, click the “Customize” button, which takes you to a screen titled “Custon Install on…”. Check the box next to “Development files”, then click the “Install” button (not “Standard Install”).

Once that’s done, the problems you reported should disappear.


awesome. thank u. will try that.

The files you need to compile plugins are not installed by default.

FYI, I decided that this was a bad idea, as it’s only led to confusion and annoyance. In the next release of MWorks (and future nightlies, probably starting tonight), these files will be installed by default. You can still opt not to install them by doing a custom install.

Hi Najib,

Have you been able to build and use the EyeLink plugin? I’ve successfully built it on my workstation (but haven’t tested it, since I don’t have access to the hardware), so I can give you a precompiled version if needed.


I haven’t yet. Git distracted w something else. if you can send me a
whole package that I can test I would really appreciate it.


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if you can send me a whole package that I can test I would really appreciate it.

No problem. I’ve attached a zip file containing the plugin, compiled against MWorks 0.4.5. Unzip it and move the .bundle to /Library/Application Support/MWorks/Plugins/Core.

You’ll still have to install the EyeLink frameworks yourself. See the section “Installing the EyeLink Developers Kit” in the README.


Attachment: (200 KB)

Hi Najib,

FYI, Philipp’s Eyelink 1000 plugin is now in the nightly build and will be included in the next MWorks release.
