Mworks-eyelink connection in rig 4

Hi Chris,

I made a partition in rig 4 with the newest macOS and mworks 0.10 and am trying to connect to the existing eyelink system.
I followed the instruction in the knowledge database to install the developer kit. (Setup for using the EyeLink 1000 / I/O Devices / Knowledge Base - MWorks Support)
And I am aware of this discussion (MWorks: Discussion) which is indeed also what is found in the instruction manual. My network settings are the same way in the new and old partition, and they work on the old partition. Track and srversion (ie eyelink software) are present on the new partition and they do establish a connection to the eyelink system.
Overall, mworks does not throw an error (as it did before installing the developer kit) but it also does not seem to establish a connection when I run the experiment: nothing appears in the console as it does in rig 2 and the old rig partition, and the eyelink system itself does not say that the link it open on its monitor either (see below).
Note that if I put the wrong IP address, the task does not run. Something in mworks does believe that it is connected.
I attached the log that I get when running on the new partition and the task and output.
Some of the output indicates an issue to me because it doesn’t show up on other rigs:

0:00:23: Instantiating a FIRST order polynomial fitable function
00:00:23: Fitable Function: setting paremeters to defaults
00:00:23: basis: 0 param value: 0.000000
00:00:23: basis: 1 param value: 1.000000
00:00:23: basis: 2 param value: 0.000000
00:00:23: Fitable function param: 0 value: 0.000000
00:00:23: Fitable function param: 1 value: 1.000000
00:00:23: Fitable function param: 2 value: 0.000000

I do not have an eye calibration file yet but Sachi thinks this cannot be the problem.

Some extra points
Rishi used this rig last before me, and I kept his partition with everything as is for now. His previous (xml based old) mworks does connect to the eyelink. Specifically, when a task is loaded into mworks, it changes the status from “link closed” to “TC/IP link open” on the eyelink monitor, and it says that it is connecting to a socket (similar behavior also in rig 2 running on mworks 0.8)

I have some hope that the solution is entirely trivial and obvious to you, but I am not sure what else to try for now.

PS: let me know how things are going with the camera å



Attachment: image001.jpeg (54.4 KB)

Hi Alina,

First question: Is the MWEL file you sent me the one you’re trying to run? If so, the problem is that the EyeLink device is commented out:

//eyelink eye_tracker (
//    tracker_ip = ''//''
//    tracking_dist = 1024
//    data_interval = 1ms
//    pupil_rx = eye_h_raw
//    pupil_ry = eye_v_raw
//    autostart = true

//    pupil_size_r = pupil_size_r
//    )

To uncomment it, remove those double slashes at the beginning of each line.

If that’s not the issue, then I’m not sure where to look next. Are you sure you installed the latest version of the EyeLink Developers Kit (currently 1.11.1)? I’d also say to check the Ethernet cable, but if it works when you use Rishi’s partition, then that must not be the problem.

I attached the log that I get when running on the new partition and the task and output. Some of the output indicates an issue to me because it doesn’t show up on other rigs:

That’s normal output from the linear eye calibrator in your experiment.

PS: let me know how things are going with the camera

Sorry, I’ve been busy with other stuff. I hope to get back to it this week.


Hi Chris,
It was not commented, but I just realized it was likely the mouse simulation setting being on. It is running right now, I have to go get a monkey and cannot check much and hope that this is really it, ie that it won’t stop running again.