Can we multiply images in mworks

Hi Christopher,

In Expo, our home brewed stimulus display program we had a convenient feature called texture overlay, whereby we can multiply two textures quickly. Ideally opengl implements this on the graphics card for speed. This is a nice feature because it allowed you to import a few stimuli and then generate a matrix of the combination of such stimuli.

If it isn’t an option, how difficult would it be to add such a feature in mworks?


Hi Najib,

The only type of stimulus overlay MWorks supports is alpha blending, via the alpha_multiplier parameter supported by many stimulus types. Is that what you had in mind, or do you really want to multiply color values?

Adding support for color multiplication wouldn’t be too difficult. It might be as simple as giving stimuli a new parameter that specifies the blending method. (As you note, most of the work is handled by the graphics card.)
