MWorks - Movie

Hello Christopher,

I downloaded mworks, and I’m trying to get a movie as a stimulus to display. Is there a way to load a movie stimulus on the stimulus display? I cannot seem to figure this out.

Under stimuli it shows “movie stimuli,” and I’m unsure of how mworks finds the video through defining “stimulus_group.”



Hi Bambo,

MWorks’ movie stimulus takes a set of static image stimuli (contained in a stimulus group) and displays them in sequence at the user-specified frame rate (examples). If you have a movie in an actual video file format, then that isn’t supported currently. I’m open to adding that capability, but so far literally no one has wanted it, even when I’ve offered.


Hey Christopher,

We would like the ability to play video. If that capability is released in
future updates then we would greatly appreciate it.


OK, I’ll add video playback support to my to-do list.


Hi Bambo,

The MWorks nightly build now supports playing video files. The files can be in any video format supported by the OS. Usage is pretty straightforward. Probably the easiest way to get familiar with it is to look at some examples.

If you want to try this out, I’d appreciate any feedback you have. My current plan is to include this feature in MWorks 0.7, which hopefully will be released within the next month or so.
