Eyelink error - Connection error or Cannot configure EyeLink link sample data and event filter

Hi Chris,

We are using an MRI-compatible eye-tracker (eyelink). Despite the eye-link initially connecting well, we frequently encounter errors related to the eyelink when we restart the experiment. we got 1) sometimes a connection error or 2) an error message “Cannot configure EyeLink link sample data and event filter”

Problem 1) is usually solved by rebooting mworks or eye-tracker, but has anyone else encountered the problem with problem 2)?

Thank you

best regards,

Hi Sujin,

I don’t think anyone has reported issue #2 before.

By “restart the experiment”, do you mean

  1. pressing the “play” button again after the experiment stops,
  2. closing and re-opening the experiment without quitting MWServer, or
  3. quitting and re-opening MWServer and re-opening the experiment?

My first thought is that there could be a physical connection issue (e.g. a bad Ethernet cable or USB network adaptor), but it seems strange that that would only cause problems when you restart the experiment. Are you closing the experiment before you quit MWServer? If not, the connection to the EyeLink might not be terminated correctly, which could causes issues when you try to reconnect.


I apologize for the confusion.

It happened in all cases (1, 2, 3), not just case 1.
It was alternating with the connection error in problem 1) above, which I solved by repeatedly turning off and on my computer, mworks and eyelink, but I was just wondering what was causing it.
