Metal is now required

Hi Chris,

Please ignore the previous message as I just had to upgrade to python 3.8.

I have a new question: does queue_stimulus() require a higher mac os version? On the rig computer running OS version 10.13.4, I got the following error:

ERROR: Failed to create object. 
Extended information:
reason: Metal is not supported on this system
location: line 30, column 5
object_type: action/queue_stimulus
parent_scope: Rendered Images Demo
ref_id: idm34633076219600
parser_context: mw_anonymous_create

Hi Ruidong,

The current MWorks nightly build, which is the basis for the test build you’re using, requires a Mac that supports Metal. The list of supported models includes basically every Mac made since 2012, with the exception of the “2012” Mac Pro (which was just a very slight update of the 2010 model). Am I correct in assuming that this is the model of your test rig?

It’s possible to add Metal support to the 2010/2012 Mac Pro by upgrading the graphics card. (I did this a couple years ago on the 2010 Mac Pro that I use for MWorks testing.) Compatible cards may be a little hard to find at this point, although I see that Amazon has the SAPPHIRE Radeon PULSE RX 580 8GB GDDR5 in stock at a reasonable price. OWC also sells compatible cards, though they’re a bit pricier. Either way, this would be the least expensive way to make this system compatible with the latest MWorks builds (and macOS 10.14, which requires Metal).

Be aware that upgrading the graphics card will only buy another year or two of life for the 2010/2012 Mac Pro. The current release of macOS (10.15, Catalina) does not support that system even with an upgraded GPU. Assuming Apple’s annual macOS release cadence continues for the next couple years, MWorks nightly builds starting in the fall of 2021 and the subsequent “official” release in spring 2022 will require macOS 10.15. At that point, you’re going to need a new Mac if you want to run the latest MWorks.


Hi Chris,

Thanks for the information. Yes we indeed have the 2012 Mac Pro. I’ll
upgrade it one way or the other as soon as possible.


Hi Chris,

We are planning to order a new Mac Pro. Could you take a look and let me
know if the baseline model be
sufficient/compatible with both running MWorks and connecting to Eyelink?


Hi Ruidong,

Any current Mac Pro, including the base configuration, should be more than adequate for running MWorks and any associated software. (It’d be more accurate to call it massive overkill, but that excess of capabilities should keep it useful for many years to come!)


Hi Chris,

Sorry to keep bothering you with this. If we instead get an iMac would it
work? My only concern is it looks like we need two ethernet ports (one for
talking to eyelink and one for internet), and iMacs have only one. But if
we only use wifi for internet it could work?


Hi Ruidong,

Yes, an iMac would also be fine. My only recommendation is that you get one with a non-Intel graphics card. Currently, that means anything except the lowest-end, 21.5-inch model.

Instead of using Wi-Fi, I’d recommend getting a USB Ethernet adaptor for the second connection. Apple sells one, but you can find other (most likely cheaper) options elsewhere.


Got it, thanks for the advice! Because future experiments may require a
pcie connection we went with the pro in the end.