
Hey Chris,

I hope all is well on your side. I have 3 questions for you:

1- As for the eye tracker, is there any preference (from Works point of view) for an analog or digital input? We prefer to feed analog input (ethernet cable) to our main Works computer, any comments on that?

2- Regarding the juicer controller, does MWorks give us a TTL output directly from the Mac or do we need an external hardware between the Mac and the driver of the reward pump?

3- Mark and I were thinking it will be great if we can fly (for a day or two) you over so you can help us with MWroks related issues of our setups. Would that be OK with you?


Hi Arash,

As for the eye tracker, is there any preference (from Works point of view) for an analog or digital input? We prefer to feed analog input (ethernet cable) to our main Works computer, any comments on that?

I assume you mean digital input via Ethernet cable? I definitely think that’s the way to go, as it avoids both the noise and the additional latency introduced by digital-analog-digital conversion.

Regarding the juicer controller, does MWorks give us a TTL output directly from the Mac or do we need an external hardware between the Mac and the driver of the reward pump?

You need external hardware. If you just want digital (TTL) I/O, probably the easiest and cheapest option is to use an Arduino or Teensy board via MWorks’ Firmata interface. Both USB and Bluetooth LE connections are supported.

I’ll respond to (3) privately.
