Taking video of subject using iPad camera

Hey Chris, is it possible to have Mworks iOS access the iPad camera (e.g., to take snapshots or videos of the subject) while the task is running?

Basically, we are interested in having videos recorded at specific times (e.g., while the subject is doing poorly on the task) for later review of the subject’s behavior.

Having a set of variables that can be controlled through MWClient to initiate a video recording of a certain length would be good (and saved to the .mwk2 file). On-demand streaming of the video to an MWClient (potentially without saving) would be even better. Are these things possible / doable?


Hi Michael,

The latest (unreleased) version of MWorks is part of the way there.

The new face recognizer supports capturing still images from the builtin camera. I was already considering an image-capture-only version of it (sans the face recognition part), and it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to expand that to video capture.

On the client side, there’s a new Image Viewer window that displays still images written to the event stream. Again, it wouldn’t be a big stretch to make it display videos, too.


Great to hear! Is your recommendation to adopt the face recognizer iodevice for our intended use case, or wait until a dedicated iodevice is developed for pure video/image capture purposes?


Hi Michael,

In its current state, the face recognizer doesn’t really do what you want, so I’d recommend waiting until I implement the new features I described. Also, if you want to use said features (or the face recognizer) prior to the next MWorks release, I’ll need to install a pre-release version on your iPad’s. That’s not a problem for me; I just wanted you to be aware.
