Integrating with Raspberry pi as client?

Hi Chris,

We are prototyping some behavioral boxes for tree shrews (about the size of a rat). I’m familiar with using Mac Mini’s as an Mworks client, however I was curious if anyone has tried to use a Raspberry pi as a client?

The reason is to have an extremely lightweight system that can be attached to each of the behavior boxes. I wasn’t sure if the similarities between Linux and Mac allowed the Mworks client to run on it.

Hi Travis,

I’m familiar with using Mac Mini’s as an Mworks client, however I was curious if anyone has tried to use a Raspberry pi as a client?

I think you must mean an MWorks server, i.e. the machine where the MWServer application (and hence the experiment) runs.

No, no part of MWorks will run on a Linux system. However, MWorks (specifically MWServer) has recently gained support for running on iOS devices (i.e. iPhones and iPads), so that’s an option you could consider.
