MWork Window Configuration

Hi Chris,

I am trying to run a MWorks psychophysics experiment on a computer with 2 monitors. However, the stimulus display cannot be shown with full-screen on the secondary monitor. Instead, it always created a non-fullscreen window on the main monitor. I followed the instruction: copy the setup_variables_two_monitor, change its name into setup_variables, and put it under the same folder as where my experiment xml file is.

I also figured that there is no MWorks file under /Library/Application Support when I type the path on the terminal. Is it something wrong during installation? I thought it should directly come with installation. I installed the latest version of MWorks on OS X10.9 version.

Thanks a lot,

Hi Chiajung,

I followed the instruction: copy the setup_variables_two_monitor, change its name into setup_variables, and put it under the same folder as where my experiment xml file is.

Your last step is wrong: The config file needs to go in $HOME/Library/Application Support/MWorks/Configuration, where $HOME is the path to your home directory (e.g. /Users/chiajung).

I also figured that there is no MWorks file under /Library/Application Support when I type the path on the terminal.

If the directory /Library/Application Support/MWorks doesn’t exist, then MWServer and MWClient won’t even launch. If it’s missing, you definitely need to re-run the MWorks installer.


Hi Chris,

The directory /Library/Application Support/MWorks doesn’t exist in terminal, yet I can still launch MWServer and MWClient. I would get a non-fullscreen window when I ran my experiment xml file. I also tried uninstalled MWorks and re-installed it again, the directory just didn’t show up.

The following is what I got in terminal.

brain-and-cog-five-eighty-one:Application Support Tatum$ ls
AddressBook Dock Ubiquity
CrashReporter NotificationCenter
brain-and-cog-five-eighty-one:Application Support Tatum$ cd MWorks
-bash: cd: MWorks: No such file or directory

Hi Chiajung,

I think there’s some confusion here. We’ve been talking about two distinct directories:

  1. /Library/Application Support/MWorks: system-level directory containing required MWorks components
  2. $HOME/Library/Application Support/MWorks: user-level directory containing user-specific MWorks stuff

Directory #1 must exist (and is created by the MWorks installer). Directory #2 is optional and must be created by you. Here are the contents of these two directories on my Mac:

$ ls "/Library/Application Support/MWorks"
Configuration/ Developer/     Examples/      Plugins/       Scripting/
$ ls "$HOME/Library/Application Support/MWorks"

The directory /Library/Application Support/MWorks doesn’t exist in terminal

I assume you must be talking about directory #2. As I mentioned previously, the MWorks installer doesn’t create that one; you have to create it yourself. Here’s one way to create the user-level config directory from the terminal:

$ mkdir -p "$HOME/Library/Application Support/MWorks/Configuration"

Does that clear things up?


Yes!! It helped a lot! Thanks!