Hi Chris,
I hope you’re doing well.
I’m currently trying to extract some data using the getCodec/ getEvents function in MATLAB. I’m running the MATLAB console on Ubuntu and encountering the following error:
Unable to resolve the name ‘mworks.mwfeval’.
Error in mworks.MWKFile/open (line 33)
obj.Handle = mworks.mwfeval(‘MWKFile/open’, char(obj.Filename));
Error in mworks.MWKFile (line 19)
Error in getCodec (line 2)
file = mworks.MWKFile(filename);
Error in Review_getData_Speed_detection_complex_Gabor (line 5)
codec = getCodec(mydata); reverse_codec = getReverseCodec(mydata); % getting codecs
Do you have any thoughts on what might be causing this issue or how to resolve it?
Thanks in advance for your help, and I hope you have a great day!