Processing data in matlab / ubuntu

Hi Chris,

I hope you’re doing well.

I’m currently trying to extract some data using the getCodec/ getEvents function in MATLAB. I’m running the MATLAB console on Ubuntu and encountering the following error:

Unable to resolve the name ‘mworks.mwfeval’.

Error in mworks.MWKFile/open (line 33)
obj.Handle = mworks.mwfeval(‘MWKFile/open’, char(obj.Filename));

Error in mworks.MWKFile (line 19);

Error in getCodec (line 2)
file = mworks.MWKFile(filename);

Error in Review_getData_Speed_detection_complex_Gabor (line 5)
codec = getCodec(mydata); reverse_codec = getReverseCodec(mydata); % getting codecs

Do you have any thoughts on what might be causing this issue or how to resolve it?
Thanks in advance for your help, and I hope you have a great day!


Hi Jaime,

MWorks’ standard data analysis tools depend on the MWorksCore framework, which is only available for macOS.

Since version 0.12, MWorks has included a pure-Python data file reader that can be used to analyze event files on non-Mac systems (more info). I tried to implement something similar for MATLAB, but I was thwarted by MATLAB’s wonky SQLite interface. If you really want to analyze MWorks data with MATLAB on Linux, you should be able to use the Python mwk2reader module via MATLAB’s Python interface.


Perfect, thanks a lot!
have a good one