Unpacking event streams on OM

Hi Chris,

I’d like to unpack event streams using Python code on the Openmind cluster, and was wondering how I should go about doing this. I tried copying over the analysis code from my laptop to the cluster, but it’s throwing an ImportError. I imagine I’ll need to do a full install of the MWorks package, but wanted to check with you that this was possible on OM since it isn’t MacOS.



Hi Aída,

I imagine I’ll need to do a full install of the MWorks package, but wanted to check with you that this was possible on OM since it isn’t MacOS.

No, it isn’t possible, for that reason.

Please see this discussion for an alternative approach. (You might also want to ask Rishi Rajalingham about this, since he may have come up with a nicer solution than what I suggested.)
